Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Homebirth package
$5600 (uninsured out of pocket cost)
Finding your empowerment
No matter where you decide to give birth you deserve to nourish your body and mind. What you do during your pregnancy affects how you recover from having your baby. We like to offer a well rounded prenatal care experience so that you have all the resources you need to thrive while you care for your new family!

Pregnancy Support:
Confidential pregnancy tests and counseling
Prenatal appointments:
Once a month until 32 weeks of pregnancy
Twice a month until the 36th week of pregnancy
36 week appointment in your home
Weekly in office visits until your baby is born
Nutritional counseling and Herbology consultations as needed
Referral for ultrasound - 18-22wk anatomy scan and as indicated (Early dating ultrasound if necessary)
Referral for blood lab tests
Childbirth education class-
Go over what normal birth looks like, go over comfort techniques, what to expect and how to prepare for your birth.
Welcoming of partners, children and family members at visits
Phone and email support available as needed.
Labor Support:
Phone support at first sign of labor
24 hour a day availability by midwife
Continuous labor support as hands on or hands off as needed
On-going assessment of mother and baby's well-being
Qualified birth assistant in addition to midwife at every birth and usually a second midwife
Medical consultation/transport when deviations from normal occur
Pictures can be taken on your phone - not professional photography.
Written timeline of events (if desired)
Postpartum Support:
Care and support by your midwife in the immediate postpartum period, normally 3 to 6 hours after birth
Ongoing Breastfeeding support
Complete exam of your baby after birth and referral for anything out of the normal
Insuring that mom has eaten and is taken care of before departing
4 postpartum visits offered in the first 6 weeks—more if needed -
24 hr, 3 days, 1 wk, 6 wk
Care of your normal newborn for the first 6 weeks of life
Standard newborn tests offered
Birth certificate services
6-week follow-up to offer well-women care such as breast exam, pap smears and family planning options
Postpartum resources and referrals