Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Belly Binding
Taught both traditionally and the more modern way so that you can choose which is better for your body.
Bengkung is a traditional Malaysian belly binding method and an ancient traditional natural way of healing after birth and many years down the road from having problems with your abdominal area.
Essentially it is a practice of tying a long strip of cloth around the abdomen during the postpartum recovery period to ensure a strong support to your womb after childbirth. and can also be used with variation in pregnancy for abdominal support but is also really beneficial being used at any time in your healing even if it correcting damage from years ago.

Benefits Include:
It feels really great!
Support of the lower abdomen and uterus to promote healing both after vaginal or cesarean birth
Restorative positioning of abdominal muscles anatomically to encourage quicker restoration of the torso
Increased lower back support for breast feeding and back pain relief post delivery
Decreases postpartum bleeding time by speeding up the process of in a natural way
Decreased retention of water
Increased circulation to promote natural healing
Slimming of the rib cage, belly and hips
Overall flatter results of stomach, faster
Supporting the pelvic floor
Lessening after pains
Encouraging spinal realignment to a pre-pregnancy state.
Realigns, Supports, Relieves, Aids, Enhances
By systematically and firmly (but comfortably) wrapping the lower back, abdominal area, and upper hips, this thin, breathable material helps guide the body back towards its center, tightening and encouraging recovery through the natural movement towards one's center.
Different then the stiff, unforgiving commercial abdominal binders, Bengkung binding is done over a series of days for as long as the mother needs to assist in the recovery process. What also makes it different then commercial binders is the length. A Bengkung Belly Bind is a long wrap that covers from under the chest all the way down to below the hips. This way, it doesn’t just work on the waist, but also helps the rib cage and the hips go back to their former dimensions. It also stays put when you move, and it doesn’t press on the abdomen.
The ideal time to be wrapped is 5 days postpartum. For cesarean healing the ideal time is 2-3 weeks postpartum.The Belly binding is most effective and best used during the first 8 weeks postpartum but can be useful for support during anytime of the postpartum period.
Belly Wrapping Session - $250
Application of a postpartum healing belly salve and a relaxing belly massage class with the option to add on tightening herbal rub
Belly Bind Application
Belly Binding instruction to teach you how to bind yourself daily at home. A friend or family member is welcome to learn so they can wrap you at home
Includes your own Bengkung Belly Bind to take home
Price includes a SMALL OR MEDIUM unbleached homemade belly wrap
a dyed or larger size is available for an extra fee
Add on's
Add on's:
Warming Paste – $25.00
Additional Wrap sessions after purchasing your first $65.00
Scar Tissue Therapy Class - $100
Add this to your Midwifery package for $200.00 ($50.00 discount)
Get in Touch
These appointments can be scheduled at the end of your pregnancy or at any time during your postpartum period, but we recommend doing it as early as possible!