Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Wonderful Services we offer at our Center
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Womb therapy and belly binding healing session:
Abhyanga postpartum session:

Closing of the Bones ceremony:
Sophrology birth prep:
Virtual and or in-person birth preparation package with individual sophrology sessions: (8 - 12 individual sophrology sessions)
First initial consultation 1h30
Following sessions 45 min
During our sessions, we will be using gentle movements, breathing exercises, meditation and visualization. Pre and post-sessions you will have a time to share how you feel and what you would like to work on.
Practicing sophrology is key to accessing your inner self and preparing the best for labor and birth. You will receive a recording of each session to be able to practice on your own at home.