Prenatal, birth, postpartum
1009 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, TX 78602
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Doulas support you in the birthing process –
To help you find your
power, your calm, and your voice!
We support the whole mother
Finding Support for any setting, every birth!
Choosing a doula is a very personal choice. Everyone deserves the support they desire. There are many wonderful doulas in the community but because there are so many, and experiences can vary greatly, we want you to know that any doulas that we recommend come highly recommended because we have seen how they provide support and are so grateful for with how well they have treated our patients in the past!
We do not offer recommendations lightly. We love these doulas because of how well they love the people they support.
There is one significant difference between a midwife and a doula. Midwives provide medical care for you during pregnancy, birth, and after the baby is born. Doulas provide you and your family with emotional, informational, and physical support through your pregnancy journey but they do not provide any medical support. Think of a doula like a trained best friend. Or a birth coach!

and how can a doula help you?
What do doulas do ?
1. They help prepare and educate both you and your partner for birth.
2. They help you create a unique birth plan that supports your wishes.
3. They stay with you nonstop, supporting you through the entire birth process.
4. They coach, guide and talk you through any emotional blocks or fears that might come up for you in birth.
5. They create a sacred, safe, protected and peaceful space with their energy, candles, aromatherapy and music.
6. They support you in your birth choices without judgment.
7. They provide encouragement and reassurance.
8. They help put you in birthing positions that are good for optimal fetal positioning
9. They give massages, visualizations, meditations, breath work, energy work, sounding and movement to help with pain management and comfort .
10. They advocate for the mother and her partner and can help facilitate better communication between the mother and her caregiver.
What doulas DON'T do:
Doulas are NOT medical professionals,
and don't preform medical exams, tasks, diagnose conditions
or deliver babies.
Doulas do not project their views onto you,
and they NEVER judge you or make you feel bad for the choices and decisions you make.
Having a doula can help you:
Reduce the possibility of Caesarean section
Reduce the need for pain medication and epidurals
Minimize the time of labor
Reduce the need for use of vacuum
Calm anxiety and reduce depression
Help with confidence and self-esteem
Katie Lusby
" I bring a decade of experience training women in the gym, 5 years of bodywork as a massage therapist and a proud mama of one sweet daughter. As I went down the rabbit hole during my first pregnancy of birth interventions, medical care, and the lack of education around physiological birth- I felt pulled to continue my career as a birth doula. I am certified as a hypnodoula and as a corrective exercise specialist for pregnant and postpartum women. I would be honored to support you as your birth doula and educator during this beautiful time in your life!"
Katie is a private doula but offers our patients an amazing discount. She has supported many of our wonderful families and we hope that she continues to do so. Katie also takes her own clients so even if you are not one of our patients you can still hire her to support you whereever you are choosing to give birth!
(She is really wonderful, truly!)
Studies show with continuous labor support provided by a doula, women experience a...
Decrease in the use of Pitocin
Decrease in the risk of delivery by c-section
Increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth*
Decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience
Decrease in intervention has been shown when the use of some form of relaxation in early labor!
- "What if an intervention is suggested that I do not quite understand?"
- "What if I feel it is not really an emergency?"
- "How will I manage the pain of childbirth?"
- "What if I am unsure of questions to ask my doctor?"
- "What if the nurse talks me into doing something I dont want to do?"
- " What are we supposed to do if an emergency arises?"
- "How can my partner help me through the birth of our baby"
- "What if?...."
"During our birth plan session we went over all of our choices and possible interventions so that I was able to make a evidence based decision."
"the comfort measures that we went over taught my husband exactly how to help to relax me so that I didnt have to be worried about directing him while I was in labor. It was very helpful"
"Having a doula who specialized in so many things comforted my husband. He was scared a doula was there just to hold my hand."
"it was comforting knowing that our doula held no judgement that I wanted to use pain medication. After 20 hours of labor I never needed it because of her amazing rebozo trick and relaxing touch!"